Making sense of the various curricular and graduation options available at schools can be overwhelming. This article briefly outlines three common approaches, namely CAPS, IEB and Cambridge. Skye College preparatory and high school will implement the Cambridge curriculum. This article will provide the main reasons we believe this to be the best choice, while also explaining how the curriculum fits within the larger Thriveway approach at Skye College.
CAPS, IEB and Cambridge?
Allow me a few introductory remarks about the role of a curriculum at school. Firstly, a school’s curriculum provides guidance on the content a school teaches (for example, grade four science might focus on magnetism, forces, and ecosystems – to the exclusion of other topics). Secondly, the curriculum specifies the level at which that content should be mastered (for example, students should not just be proficient at mixed operations with fractions using certain procedures, but should also be able to provide evidence for their reasoning – showing deep conceptual understanding of the topic).

CAPS (National Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement) is the national curriculum followed by public schools in South Africa. Many private schools also follow this curriculum. Some of these schools, however, are also “IEB” schools. IEB, the Independent Examination Board, does not refer to a stand-alone curriculum. IEB schools generally use the CAPS curriculum as a guide but grade 12 students write an alternative matric examination that is administered by the IEB. In other words, students in CAPS and IEB schools will be taught similar content, but they will not write the same exam. Students from CAPS and IEB schools will all receive a National Senior Certificate when graduating from grade 12 – either the regular NSC or the IEB NSC. All South African assessment bodies (such as IEB) are monitored by Umalusi, which ensures that their curricula and assessments are appropriate.
Cambridge, on the other hand, is a stand-alone international curriculum. Cambridge qualifications are not monitored by Umalusi, but by Cambridge Assessment International Education, part of Cambridge University Press & Assessment – an organisation that provides world-leading academic research, learning and assessment globally, backed by the first-class teaching and research departments of the University of Cambridge. Students will usually complete their General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) by the time they are 16. They then graduate from matric with a varied combination of AS levels and A levels (equitable or, in some cases, surpassing CAPS grade 12 standards).
It is important to keep in mind that, despite differences, there is significant overlap among most curriculums, especially for sequential subjects like Maths and English. In other words, even though curriculums may vary with regards to when and how fractions are introduced and assessed, all curriculums will cover fractions.
Before we elaborate on the Cambridge curriculum at Skye College, and why we believe it to be the best choice, allow me to make a quick but important point… Even though a school’s choice of curriculum is important, it is not the most important thing. After all, adopting a curriculum with high standards is one thing. Making sure all students succeed at these high levels is another. What makes a curriculum come alive, therefore, is the way in which it is implemented in the classroom. At Skye college we are committed to exclusively using those methods and techniques proven by research to maximise learning and academic success – for every child in every classroom.
We also believe in the proven power of learning teachers. Skye College teachers, therefore, not only begin with pedagogical best practice but also engage in regular examination of their own teaching. This rigorous, job-embedded professional development leads to continuous improvement of professional practice. Our high impact teachers are, therefore, true professionals, constantly honing their craft to create the most enjoyable and effective learning experiences for your child. To sum up, the right choice of curriculum is important. It guides teachers to choose relevant content and sets the bar for mastery appropriately high. When this curriculum is effectively implemented by teachers who exclusively use pedagogical best practice, and who continue to hone their craft, the effects compound – year after year – unlocking your child’s full potential.

So, why the Cambridge curriculum at Skye College?
Because we believe the Cambridge curriculum will contribute to your child’s success in five important ways.
First, the Cambridge Curriculum will maximise tertiary study options. With Cambridge, your child will gain an internationally recognised qualification. Cambridge qualifications are also recognised at local universities including prestigious universities such as the University of Pretoria, University of Johannesburg and the University of Cape Town. This means that a Cambridge qualification will provide your child with a wide range of local and international study options. For more information on the Cambridge curriculum in South Africa, please click here.
Second, the Cambridge Curriculum provides a rigorous standard that prepares your child for tertiary study success: The Cambridge curriculum and exams are of a high, internationally benchmarked standard. Most schools focus on helping your child access tertiary study. At Skye College we believe that equipping your child to succeed at university is equally important. Studying at Cambridge’s high standard will prepare your child for the rigor of tertiary study.
Third, the Cambridge Curriculum provides flexibility that allows us to successfully weave it into our larger Thriveway tapestry. Implementing the Cambridge curriculum will be a necessary part of the Thriveway, but it will not be sufficient. To truly equip your child to thrive[1], we, therefore, embed the Cambridge curriculum in the larger Thriveway, which includes, among other things, and in addition to the Cambridge curriculum, a high-impact socio-emotional development component.
[1] The Thriveway will equip your child to thrive in four important ways – by developing: deep connections to self and others; skills and competencies needed to contribute to the world; productive habits that lay down the rails for a successful and resilient life; and by supporting your child to develop their full potential. The flexibility of the Cambridge curriculum will allow us to continue to focus on these four components of our vision while implementing our curriculum. Read more here.
Fourth – a simple high-school core will increase fluency and provide opportunity for the development of 21st-century skills and personalised learning: The Cambridge curriculum offers a vast number of subjects but requires fewer subjects to graduate – presenting these at greater depth. This allows us to offer a strong and simple academic high-school core. Because we are not required to offer a myriad of shallow, “filler” subjects we can, instead, focus on deep mastery for a few important subjects that will be most critical for your child’s tertiary career. This simple, strong core also creates capacity to focus, in addition to the core curriculum, on developing important competencies for the 21st century. These include, among others, creative intelligence, critical thinking, and entrepreneurship; all built on a solid foundation of math, language, and science. A simple academic core also frees up time to focus on pursuing personal interest and developing unique talents – at school. Math, science, tech, language – plus your passion. The Thriveway will support students to discover and pursue their unique purpose through, among other things, workplace internships for high school students.
And finally, the Cambridge Curriculum will connect your child to the world. Your child’s ability to successfully navigate a multi-cultural, global workplace will be key to their future success. Through the Cambridge curriculum, Skye College is naturally connected to other Cambridge schools – internationally and locally. Many excellent South African schools (including some of the schools in the Curro network, Dainfern College, St. Johns, Nova Pioneer, the Generations Schools and others) offer the Cambridge curriculum. Worldwide, Cambridge is offered at 10 000 schools in 160 countries. This community of learning provides a natural platform for local and global collaboration and skills building.

We believe that the Cambridge Curriculum will provide an excellent foundation for your child’s academic success. However, our research-based methodology means we are never limited to a single approach or curriculum. Because we have a deep understanding of what works in pedagogy as well as a firm grasp on what it means to thrive, we are crafting an education that will truly serve the needs of your child in today’s world. An education that will set your child up for success – not just at a job, but at real life. When you start with what is proven to work, and you redefine your objectives to no less than success at life, school looks very different.
The Cambridge Curriculum is just one way in which we are delivering on our promise – an education to thrive for all.
By Jean van Schalkwyk / Advisor for whole-child education at Skye College